
If livelihood of the Adivasis has to improve, there are three resources which can provide support:

Direct consumption from nature – for  instance, cutting trees for house-building, gathering edible forest produce, fishing, hunting

Improved cultivation leading to greater productivity for consumption and commercial exchange

Education and skills to enter the competitive employment market.

JSM supports all three resources.

In the annual fruit and forest tree planting campaign, JSM invests in natural resources which will have a long-standing impact on livelihoods. By promoting organic technologies for farming, JSM enables Adivasis to improve farm output sustainably. Finally JSM’s educational services equip Adivasi youth for employment in the general market, thus bringing in resources to supplement the uncertain income from farming.

JSM is also actively involved in promoting village-based credit societies (self-help groups or SHGs) that provide small, low interest loans for enhancing the purchasing power of farmers for seeds, agricultural implements, animal stock, fruit tree planting, and so on, as also for house-building, medical needs, family celebrations, education of their children, and for starting small businesses.

We also link these credit societies with Government programmes, so as to help village communities benefit from them.